Big Feels At Work

A podcast for mental health and addictions workers who’ve ‘been there’ too.


Hear from other professionals with ‘big feels’

Working in mental health and addictions is hard, especially when you have your own stuff going on. It can feel like you’re walking in two worlds at once.

So many of us come to this work because it strikes a personal chord. But this ‘personal + professional’ mix can present some unique challenges — whether you’re a clinician, a policy wonk, a peer worker, or a CEO.

Big Feels At Work is your chance to hear from others walking this path, sharing what they’ve learned along the way.

 “Big Feels At Work is an anti-guilt, anti-self-doubt vaccine. It’s like peer support for workers.” — Psychologist and listener



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Big Feels At Work is a production of The Big Feels Club, an online peer-run mental health initiative. Big Feels At Work is funded by the Victorian Department of Health.

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We want better workplaces for those of us with our own stuff going on.

It helps us to hear what it’s really like out there. Click here to take our anonymous survey.